JIRA Dashboard
The JIRA Dashboard is a tool to gain overview over JIRA tickets, for example data submission tickets in the PANGAEA ticket system. "Ready to use" Dashboards are available for every user logged in PANGAEA. The following instructions demonstrate how to copy a "ready to use" Dashboard and how to adapt it to fit your own specifications.
Available Dashboard
One starting point is a ready to use Dashboard called "Dashboard for reporter and contributor" . This Dashboard shows you your tickets from the role of a reporter as well as the role of a contributor/reviewer. To clarify between the two roles: A reporter submits their data via the data submission page and asks to add additional users as contributor/reviewer to the newly created submission ticket. A contributor/reviewer can paste comments in the ticket.
Issue Statistics
On the left hand side on the Dashboard, three tables aka gadgets are shown displaying your issue statistics. These three tables differ only in their title and focus. They are called "Issue Statistics: All my issues as reporter OR contributor/reviewer", "Issue Statistics: All my issues as reporter" and "Issue Statistics: All my issues as contributor/reviewer". Depending on your role in the tickets, the numbers vary.
Depending on your taste and preferences, you might find all or a limited number of Issue Statistics gadgets helpful.
The Issue Statistics gadget shows you the number of your tickets depending on the ticket status. If you want to know which tickets have the status open, click on the blue "Count" number to open a list displaying your open tickets.
Filter Results
Several lists of filtered results are displayed below the issue statistics and on the right hand side. A variety of Filter Results gadgets have been chosen which are useful to most users. All Filter Results gadgets displayed on the "Dashboard for reporter and contributor" are displayed three times to distinguish between your tickets where you are reporter, contributor/reviewer or both.
Depending on your taste and preferences, you might find all or a limited number of Filter Results gadgets helpful.
Adapting your own personal Dashboard
If you want to create your own Dashboard, we recommend to copy and adapt an existing Dashboard. To copy the ready to use "Dashboard for reporter and contributor" go to the "Dashboard for reporter and contributor" and click on the button with the three dots in the upper right corner.
Select "Copy Dashboard", give the new Dashboard a name and save it via the "Add" button.
You will have all rights to edit your Dashboard via "Add gadget" and "Edit layout" in the upper right corner. Each existing gadget can be edited or deleted by selecting the three dots in the upper right corner of each gadget.
Example of adding a new Filter Results gadget
To add another gadget to your Dashboard, click on "Add gadget" in the upper right corner. The Filter Results gadget is available after clicking on "Load all gadgets".
After selecting your gadget, you need to select a filter. Many filters are already available. If you want to create a new filter, find a description in the next paragraph.
How to create a filter
A filter is a powerful tool to select a specific subset of your tickets. For example you can filter your tickets of a certain status or with specific word combinations in the ticket title. Many filters are already available. If you want to create a new filter, click on "Issues" in the upper left corner and select "Manage filters".
Select "Popular" on the left side to find existing filters, which you are allowed to view and select a filter for example "All my issues as contributor/reviewer" to see how the syntax works. You can either select a "New search" in the upper left side or edit an existing filter.
As soon as you start typing the "Syntax Help" window appears. A red exclamation mark indicates whether your filter needs further adapting. Clicking on the blue "Search" button shows you immediately your filter results. After adapting your filter, do not forget to save it. The "Save as" button appears when clicking on the three dots next to "Save". Your own created filters are listed under "My" on the "Manage Filters" page. Depending on how you set the permissions, other users are able to see and select your filter for a Dashboard gadget. You can change the permissions of your own filters via the "Details" button in the upper middle part.