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Instructions for Authors of the journal Polarforschung (draft 2009-05-12 by Fütterer)

Polarforschung – published by the DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR POLARFORSCHUNG (DGP) and the ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT FÜR POLAR- UND MEERESFORSCHUNG (AWI) – is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary research journal that publishes the results of scientific research in both polar areas, Arctic and Antarctic, as well as in mountain regions associated with polar climate. The journal features original papers from all disciplines of the natural sciences (physical, chemical, biological and geosciences) as well as from social and historical sciences active in polar research in the broadest sense. Manuscripts should be submitted in English (preferred) or German.

There are two categories of papers: research papers / Originalbeiträge and notes / Mitteilungen and other contributions. The research papers constitute the bulk of each issue and should present scientific results which are essentially new and which have not been submitted or published elsewhere. Notes, mostly in German, may include book reviews, general commentaries and communications, reports on society records and activities of the DGP, profiles of significant people, and obituaries.


Manuscripts and all related correspondence should be sent to: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Polarforschung e.V. Editorial Office Polarforschung c/o Alfred-Wegener-Institute für Polar- and Meeresforschung (AWI) PO Box 12 01 61, 27515 Bremerhaven, Germany Phone: +49-471-4831-1202/01 Fax: +49-471-4831-1923 E-mail: redaktion@polarforschung.de

Authors are requested to submit one high-quality hard-copy original of the manuscript and an electronic version, preferably a PDF file by e-mail or a CD. Following peer reviewing, revised manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate (one original and one copy, both in high-quality) along with a cover letter clearly explaining to what extent the comments and criticisms of the reviewers have been addressed.


Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout and printed on only one side of the paper. Double spacing is also used for references, captions of figures and tables. Note that all illustrative materials are designated as figures, since the term “plate” is not used in Polarforschung. The entire manuscript, including the figure captions, figures and tables, should bear consecutive page numbers.

  • The title should be short and precise; geographic, stratigraphic and taxonomic information should be added in parentheses.
  • The first name of each author should be fully spelled out. The complete addresses of all authors, including e-mail addresses, should follow. This information should reflect each author’s affiliation and address at the time of the study. Updated affiliations and addresses may follow if needed.
  • The text should be preceded by a concise and informative English abstract and a German Zusammenfassung which should be able to stand alone for general information about the paper.
  • A single main font (Times 10 pt.) for the whole text should be used.
  • The text should be clearly and hierarchically organized. A maximum of four levels of headings (HEADING ONE / heading two / heading three / heading four) should be used.
  • Only use the return key at the end of a paragraph or after headings, displayed lists, etc. Please do not use any formatting, neither in headings nor in text! Please do not insert manual hyphenation and do not use formats such as indentations, framing, centering, shading, etc.
  • Please do not use column format but ordinary standard manuscript format.
  • Polarforschung does not use footnotes.
  • Acknowledgments are placed at the end of the manuscript proper, before the references. They should be brief and factual and should include the reviewers, by name or anonymous.


The list of references must contain all citations referred to in the text and in figure and table captions. Additional references not referred to in the text should be avoided. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that all references are complete and accurate. • Please structure your references according to the following examples:

  • Armienti, P. & Baroni, C. (1999): Cenozoic climatic change in Antarctica recorded by volcanic activity and landscape evolution.- Geology 27: 617-620.
  • Goudie, A. & Viles, H. (1997): Salt weathering hazards.- Wiley, Chichester New York, 1- 241.
  • Kämpf, H. (1995): Mineralization in central Dronning Maud Land.- In: P. BORMANN & D. FRITZSCHE (eds), The Schirmacher Oasis, Queen Maud Land, East Antarctica and its surrounding. Justus Perthes, Gotha, 159-164.
  • Kutzbach, L. (2005): The exchange of energy, water and carbon dioxide between wet Arctic tundra and the atmosphere at the Lena River delta, northern Siberia.- Doctoral Thesis, Univ. Hamburg, 1-148.
  • Pelletier, J. (2005): Formation of oriented thaw lakes by thaw slumping.- J. Geophys. Res. 110, F02018, doi:10.1029/2004JF000158.
  • Weihnacht, B. (2000): Georadaranwendung im Permafrost zur Charakterisierung der Auftauschicht.- Unpubl. Dipl.-Arbeit, Univ. Freiberg, 1-81.

• Note that the authors are organized in alphabetical order, first single author, then two authors separated by “&”, and finally three or more authors separated by a comma. If more than one reference by a given author or authors was published in the same year, these are differentiated as 1995a, 1995b, etc., both in the reference list and when cited in the text. • The phrase “in press” is used only for papers already accepted for publication. Papers “in press” have the author(s), the title of the paper and the name of the journal in the reference list. • In the case of personal information with no publication involved, the name and the year are given in the text (e.g., A. Meier pers. comm. 2005). Such citations are not listed in the references!


When designing tables and illustrations, it is important to consider as much as possible the proportions of the final type area: One-column format: 88 mm wide, up to 240 mm high; two-column format 181 mm wide, up to 240 mm high) to make optimal use of space. • Tables are typed on a separate page each, using font 9 or 8 pt Times. Each table should be referred to in the text. Tables are to be included on the disk as part of the text file, with each table in a separate file. Tables in Microsoft Exel will not be accepted. • Figures, photographs and line drawings should be provided by the authors, each on a single sheet, with the figure number given outside of the margins of the figure. Each figure is referred to, in numerical order, in the text. Final figures should be supplied digitally (JPEG or TIFF files, saved at a resolution of 300 or 600 dpi) with each figure as a separate file. Polarforschung does not use plates! Colour figures – photographs or illustrations can be printed in color only after consultation with the editor(s). • Figure and table captions and explanations should be concise but informative and should be submitted in English and German. Captions are given consecutively on a separate sheet, typed double-spaced. • It is recommended to archive any geo-referenced primary data related to a publication also in an information system; see DATA ARCHIVING


Authors of accepted manuscripts should submit their final revision as a high-quality printout accompanied by a CD-ROM or by an elec¬tronic text file as E-mail attachment. These disks, either Macintosh (preferred) or compatible to it, should be in common MS Word. • Save figures, tables and figure and table captions separately, they should in no case be embedded in the text file. • Figure formats are JPEG and/or TIFF, saved at a resolution of 300 or 600 dpi. CORAL DRAW files will not be accepted! • The final printout may contain your preferred formatting (but in no case the electronic version), with the preferred position of figures and/or tables indicated in the text.


It is recommended to archive supplementary material (data, images, videos, maps etc.) at PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science. Authors receive a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to be included in the publication for stable linking. Text and numeric data should be submitted in plain ascii text format; georeferenced data must be accompanied by its latitude/longitude. Data can be password protected for a moratorium period.


One set of page proofs is sent to the author or corresponding author, where there is more than one author, for expeditious examination. Modifications of the manuscript beyond typographical errors are no longer possible at this time. Lay-out and subsequent page proofs are checked by the editors only. From each publication the author/authors receive 50 off prints free of charge.

Editorial Office Polarforschung