Qualiservice Search, Interoperability and Services

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The Qualiservice research data center is operated by several partners in a consortium and is located at the University of Bremen at the Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy (SOCIUM). The technical and infrastructural development of Qualiservice is carried out in cooperation with PANGAEA. The Bremen State and University Library (SuUB Bremen) supports the development of metadata for qualitative research data and is responsible for the publication of data protection-compliant study reports of the processed research materials.
See also Main Qualiservice Wiki-Page.

Qualiservice search

Only the metadata and study report are publicly available and only those are the resources indexed by the Qualiservice Search Portal (QSearch).

Research data access requires contacting Qualiservice and signing a user agreement. For details, see "Using Data – Step by Step"

Details on search strategies, advanced search, filtering and wildcards can be found on the wiki page PANGAEA_search

Metadata elements

The Qualiservice metadata model is based on the international social science standards of the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI). The Qualiservice Data Model and the individual metadata elements are described here: https://wiki.pangaea.de/wiki/Qualiservice_Data_Model


A dataset describes a collection of data (from one or several data collection events) whose metadata are organized in a data frame (matrix) and is mostly put together in a scientific context. The collections of data follows the archival principles of provenance and integrity as far as possible, grouping the data according to the entity by which they were created or resulting from the same activity.

If the data collector or data provider submits the data to Qualiservice in their own logical order, this structure should be maintained to reflect the context and structure in which they were created, used or transferred. Thus, some data collections will be arranged in geographical groups, others in temporal groups, some in methodological groups or in administrative groups (e.g. data from the whole study or from a single round).

The dataset is the central entity of the metadata model and therefore it is associated to a persistent identifier (Digital Object Identifier or DOI) for unique identification, citation, and long term location of the data.

A parent set bundles two or more related datasets for a certain reason, e.g. to made them citable through a single citation (the supplement to a publication consists of more than one set, for example in the case of a dissertation) or a number of data sets are defined by the PI as a citable entity (childs are independent, for example in the case of time series, or dependent, if the usability / comprehensiveness of the individual data sets is only ensured by supplying all data sets as a package)

Subject indexing

For the content indexing (research area(s)/subject area(s) or keywords) of datasets in the PANGAEA editorial system, Qualiservice uses

As part of QualidataNet (KonsortSWD, NFDI), Qualiservice is developing the controlled vocabulary QualiTerm in order to be able to describe the elements important for the findability of qualitative data in a standardized way [in progress]. Individual elements from QualiTerm, e.g. collection methods, are already being used for content indexing at Qualiservice. Qualiservice has been a partner in the development of a new BMBF-funded data portal for racism and right-wing extremism research (DP-R|EX) since 2022. For datasets from racism and right-wing extremism research, Qualiservice uses following vocabularies to tag studies:

Authority Files

Concepts and entities are extracted from Wikidata and the Gemeinsamen Normdatei (GND) and used for the description of studies.

Discipline/Subject Classification Systems

The classification of studies is made upon the DFG Subject Areas and the CESSDA Topic Classification, whereby studies are assigned to individual subject areas, disciplines or subject groups. It is possible to build subsets from the PANGAEA database for specific subjects and disciplines:


Following data provenance and source information is provided:

  • Information about project and funding (PROJECT)
  • Organizational and design information about the studie (CAMPAIGN)
  • Information about creation/collection context, e.g. data collection location, data processing events like transcription or anonymization, used instruments and methods or collection situation (EVENT)
  • Information about the research data as a collection of data originated from one or several data collection events (DATASET)

Interoperability and Services

PANGAEA is furnished with a well developed interoperability framework thus allowing to disseminate metadata and data to registries, data portals, and other service providers. More...

Technical basis

The technical and infrastructural development of Qualiservice and the publication of the metadata in the PANGAEA Editorial System is carried out by PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science:

Felden, J; Möller, L; Schindler, U; Huber, R; Schumacher, S; Koppe, R; Diepenbroek, M; Glöckner, FO (2023): PANGAEA – Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science. Scientific Data, 10(1), 347, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02269-x


Since June 2019, Qualiservice has been a scientific research data center accredited by the German Council for Social and Economic Data (now KonsortSWD). The World Data Center PANGAEA is member of the World Data System (WDS) of the International Science Council (ISC). It is further hosting the World Radiation Monitoring Center (WRMC) of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) and as such accredited as a "Data Collection and Processing Center" (DCPC) of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Information System (WIS). PANGAEA is a CoreTrustSeal certified repository.

Semantic web technologies

The Micrometadata, that is, the metadata about the individual data objects/items conforming a dataset, are organized in a data frame (matrix) configured by parameters or variables, which correspond to properties from ontologies or vocabularies like Schema.org, the DBpedia-Ontology or Wikidata.

The dataset landing page provides structured (meta)data according to Schema.org and encoded as JSON-LD.

Metadata Harvesting

PANGAEA offers a wide range of web services (SOAP / REST). This includes OAI-PMH for metadata harvesting in various formats: DublinCore, DataCite, da|ra... All PANGAEA datasets also ship with Schema.org/Dataset metadata.

Via these services and thanks to their interoperable metadata, all datasets archived at Qualiservice can be harvested by different platforms:

They can be found via QSearch - the Qualiservice search portal, as well as via QualidataNet - the network for archiving and providing qualitative research data, and also via DataCite, Google Dataset Search and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

Ethnographic research materials archived at Qualiservice can also be searched and found in EVIFA, the specialist portal for ethnological subjects. Educational research data are findable via the Search Portal of VerbundFDB (German Network of Educational Research Data). Research data on racism an right-wing extremism topics are found under the Dataportal DP|R-EX.

In addition, the metadata is harvested and indexed by many portals and services, including B2FIND/EUDAT, OpenAIRE Explore, ScholeXplorer, Dimensions.ai, etc.

Metadata are provided to search engines, portals and catalogs in various exchange formats