Ferrybox Underway Data
On this page you will find information on the requirements for submitting, archiving and publishing Ferrybox Underway Data, as well as examples of datasets.
Please note
SOPs for the curation and publication of Underway Data are currently being revised within the DAM Underway Research Data Project to ensure fulfilling the FAIR data principles with every Underway data publication.
This entire page is currently under construction and will be updated continuously
DAM Underway Research Data Project background

Underway Data from different devices
During the DAM pilot phase, workflows for data curation, archiving and publication at PANGAEA are being revised. Besides Ferrybox, other types of processed Underway Data from different devices are in the scope of the project:
Furthermore, historical and recent Bathymetry data and corresponding workflows are under revision in the framework of DAM.
Example of a Ferrybox Underway Data Publication
Ferrybox SO245: https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.876181
Standardized Meta-Information of Underway Data
The following information needs to be included in any Underway Data submission at PANGAEA. To start a data submission at PANGAEA, go to https://www.pangaea.de/submit/. Further information on the ticket system used for communication and documentation during the processing of the data submission can be found in this wiki.
PANGAEA Data Submission Form Example

Field Name | Explanation | Content Example |
Issue Type | Data Submission (default) | |
Summary | Name of the ticket that will be automatically generated; the institution should be included here | For example “Data submission 2020-03-24T07:32:46 ([submitter/responsible scientist], Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven) |
Author(s) | #List of Authors | [responsible scientist], [chief scientist] |
Title | Adapted, generalized #Dataset Title | Physical oceanography during [ship] cruise [cruise label] |
Description | #Abstract; if the #Data Processing Report or the #Raw Data are already archived, the links may be placed here | |
Keywords | (default) | |
Attachment(s) | #Data Processing Report; #Data Table; #Further References | |
License | The license specifies how the record can be used and modified after publication, and how it must be cited by re-users. The use of license CC-BY 4.0 is strongly recommended by PANGAEA and DAM, ensuring the re-usability of the Underway Data and the credit for the author(s) | CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (default) |
Labels | The project in which the data has been obtained may be named here | DAM |
Data used/published in the following article/manuscript | (default) |
List of Authors
Usually, the list of authors of Underway Data contains the scientist responsible for the sampling device, and the chief scientist. However, a final regulation on how to proceed with the list of authors in all Underway Data sets in the same way is still pending. The same goes for the PI, the contact person responsible for the data.
Dataset Title
The title of the data publication should be generalized and is defined by the specific [ship], [cruise] and [device] (see #PANGAEA Data Submission Form Example).
For Underway Data, a generalized Abstract per device may be created that will be adapted to each dataset regarding [ship], [cruise] and certain peculiarities. For more information on what needs to be included in a PANGAEA data publication abstract, see this page.
Several references may be of importance for Underway Data.
Cruise Report
The Cruise Report is usually already archived at the Technische Informationsbibliothek and will be linked to the dataset by a data editor (see this example).
Data Processing Report
The Data Processing Report contains information on processing and quality control procedures. It enables to reproduce the processed data from raw data. The preferred format for submission is pdf (see this example).
Currently, the Data Processing Reports are being archived at PANGAEA (except for reports for data obtained during Polarstern and Heincke cruises); A long-term solution will include the assignment of a doi for each Data Processing Report. Templates for Data Processing Reports are currently being revised/created within DAM.
Raw Data
If possible, the raw data should be linked to the processed dataset. This link may lead to an external source, but it may also be an PANGAEA-internal link.
Further References
These may, for example, include Salinity samples as .txt files, netcdf files, etc. They will be stored on one of PANGAEA's servers and can be accessed via a link in the reference section of the data publication.
Further information
Cruise Label
The [Cruise] Label given should always include [ship]number/leg (e.g.: MSM88/1).
Event label(s)
The Event Label(s) should be part of each data submission. Event labels equal the station labels and provide meta-information for the data. The Underway Event Label is being created onboard and should always be used when referring to Underway Data (current exception: CTD Data - several events needed). The format of Event Labels format consists of the cruise label and the station ending: [ship]number/leg_station (e.g.: PS122/3_0_Underway-11).
Device /Sensor
Information on the device used for measuring should also be provided, so it can be linked to the measured parameters.
Use "DAM:Underway Research Project" as project and technical keyword "DAMUnderwayReserach".
Data Table
File name
A generalized file name should be used per device (see #PANGAEA Data Submission Form Example)
File Formats
Possible file formats include .txt, .tab, .csv, .xlsx . The encoding is preferably UTF-8.
Please do not include any header except column names. The decimal separator should be "." and the number of decimals should always reflect the measurement precision. Numbers, which are not available, are displayed as blanks in PANGAEA. They should be included as blanks, "NaN", "NA" or event "999.999" in the data table.
Parameters of the data table
This table gives an overview of how the parameter names and specifications will appear on the web and in the download file of the data. If possible, these names should be included in the submitted data table. Also the format and unit of data should be submitted as displayed here. The methods, as specified in the submitted meta-information, will be included in the data publication by the data editor.
Parameter Name | Format | Unit | Example | Method | Comment |
Event label | PS122/3_0_Underway-11 | ||||
DATE/TIME | yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss | 2016-05-01T04:56 | |||
LATITUDE | decimal | -23.59560 | |||
LONGITUDE | decimal | -73.38596 | |||
Speed | kn | 13.33 | speed of ship | ||
Depth, water | m | 1 | |||
Flow rate | l/min | Flow meter | |||
Temperature, water | °C | 19.8086 | Ferrybox, SBE 45 | ITS-90 | |
Quality flag, water temperature | Seadatanet flag: Data quality control procedures | QC flag meanings= 0:unknown, 1:good_data, 2:probably_good_data, 3:potentially_correctable_bad_data, 4:bad_data, 5:not_used, 6:not_used, 7:nominal_value, 8:interpolated_value, 9:missing_value | |||
Conductivity | mS/cm | 48.471 | Ferrybox, SBE 45 | ||
Salinity | 35.6154 | Calculated from temperature and conductivity | PSU, uncorrected | ||
Quality flag, salinity | Seadatanet flag: Data quality control procedures | QC flag meanings= 0:unknown, 1:good_data, 2:probably_good_data, 3:potentially_correctable_bad_data, 4:bad_data, 5:not_used, 6:not_used, 7:nominal_value, 8:interpolated_value, 9:missing_value | |||
Oxygen | µmol/l | 372.28 | Oxygen optode, Aanderaa type 4330F | ||
Quality flag, oxygen | Seadatanet flag: Data quality control procedures | QC flag meanings= 0:unknown, 1:good_data, 2:probably_good_data, 3:potentially_correctable_bad_data, 4:bad_data, 5:not_used, 6:not_used, 7:nominal_value, 8:interpolated_value, 9:missing_value | |||
Turbidity (Nephelometric turbidity unit) | NTU | Turbidity meter, Cyclops T | |||
Quality flag, turbidity | Seadatanet flag: Data quality control procedures | QC flag meanings= 0:unknown, 1:good_data, 2:probably_good_data, 3:potentially_correctable_bad_data, 4:bad_data, 5:not_used, 6:not_used, 7:nominal_value, 8:interpolated_value, 9:missing_value |
Note: If Quality Flags are used, the flagging code needs to be explained and will be archived in the parameter comment. Sensors should be specified in the future and replace generic methods!
This template may help for preparation of your data file: template