Station lists
Event lists in PANGAEA

Event lists (or Station lists) show all the sampling events per cruise of a research vessel. PANGAEA archives the event lists of the large German research vessels and links research data to these sampling events in a common format, standardized and in one place (Figure 1).
In the framework of the pilot-phase of the DAM data management project, the workflows for the creation of event lists for PANGAEA have been revised, optimized and are herein documented.
DShip Action Log
The DShip is the system that German Research vessels use to document stations and device usage. Sampling actions are logged manually, including date/time, lat/long and information about the device. The resulting log file is an “Action Log”. Action Logs may vary among the different ships they come from, regarding column names, comments, best practices, etc. We use these Action Logs to create uniform station lists for PANGAEA. Within DShip, logs are recorded for every action performed with a certain device, while in PANGAEA we want to condense this information to one Event. The event covers the start and possibly the end information of a device usage.
Event lists online
Event list archiving is part of PANGAEA's expedition archiving. Cruise lists and related information can be accessed via or, for particular research vessels, via the following link
- Cruise list of the research vessel POLARSTERN
- Cruise list of the research vessel HEINCKE
- Cruise list of the research vessel SONNE
- Cruise list of the research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN
- Cruise list of the research vessel METEOR
- Cruise list of the research vessel POSEIDON
- Cruise list of the research vessel ALKOR
- Cruise list of the research vessel Elisabeth Mann Borgese
See also the list of cruises for other ships: Campaign#CAMPAIGN list of ships in PANGAEA
There are several options to access and filter campaign lists directly
- For a ship/basis:
- The name of the ship has to be UTF-8-URL-encoded
- If the ship’s name includes special characters, they need to be encoded accordingly:
- All campaigns can also be accessed by their project acronym (shows all campaigns linked to the project, and all campaigns linked to a dataset of that project):
- Event lists for a cruise/campaign can be accessed here:
- Default format is HTML, a tab file of a list can be downloaded by including “?format=textfile” in the URL