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Data sets published in PANGAEA are usually associated with the sampling Event from which the investigated samples originated. Each Event is unique in terms of location and time and must be identifiable by its metadata. For further instructions on how to prepare Event and data tables for PANGAEA, see Best practice manuals and templates. Providing detailed Event information is generally mandatory, but in a few cases, data published in PANGAEA does not have to be georeferenced (e.g., if the origin of samples used for laboratory experiments is unknown).
Event nomenclature
- Event labels are identical to those that appear in a journal publication, expedition reports or in Station lists. Events often already exist when they are part of international expeditions (e.g. IODP / ODP) or cruises organized by PANGAEA host institutes (MARUM, AWI). Lists of existing Events as part of the Cruise inventory and cruise data of German research vessels can be found at the PANGAEA Expeditions page. For already available station lists of other ships see the campaign listing here: Campaign lists with links to station lists. To help accelerating the editorial workflow, please provide the respective Station lists to the data editors.
- Event labels are unique and must not contain blanks.
- For measurements that are not the subject of official sampling events, no strict nomenclature rules apply. The responsible data editor will help you with the nomenclature of the labels if necessary.
Examples of Events
- Stations/Sites (during a cruise, expedition, field campaign), e.g. Polarstern station "PS126_1-5" (PS126 = Cruise, 1-5 = station number-device operation), https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.940754
- Transects or Profiles, e.g. Polarstern cruise track "PS122/3-track", https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.935223
- Time and space limited surveys, e.g. remotely operated vehicle (ROV) survey "PS122/5_59-269", https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.954001
- Deployments of sampling devices/sensors (device operation ID), e.g. strain measurements on the ship structure sensor deployment "PS122/5_58-156", https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.942950
- Sediment core samples, e.g. International ocean discovery program (IODP) core "382-U1537A", https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.939649
- Sampling or observation time series, e.g. Helgoland MarGate underwater observatory time series "MarGate" (with optional label Helgoland-UWO), https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.934740
- Mappings, e.g. glaciers permafrost mapping on "Hochebenkar", https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.802403
- Moorings/buoys, e.g. GEOMAR mooring "MSM18/2_667-1" (with optional label KPO_1063), https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.923604
- Geographical origin of organisms (also of culture organisms), e.g. Collection site of Thalassiosira sp. strain CC_Sed "Kongsfjorden_CC_Sed", https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.954980
- Field experiments including mesocosm studies, e.g. Experiment on swimming kinematics of hering larvaes at the Espegrend Marine Station "Espegrend_Marine_Station", https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.874856
- Sample labels, e.g. samples of bedrock collected for their age determination, "CN16-220", https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.939734
Event metadata

- Label is the name of the event
- Optional label may be used if the same Event has different labels (see below).
- Method is a device/method used to take the sample
- Latitude and Longitude are mandatory event metadata, specified in decimal degrees (positive for north, negative for south)
- Elevation is optional metadata, positive above mean sea level, negative below mean sea level - e.g. used for specifying a location of a sediment core site at the bottom of the sea
- Date/Time is provided as ISO-format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, UTC
- If an Event is a profile with a start and end point, all Latitude, Longitude, Elevation and Date/Time for start and end must be specified separately.
- Project, Campaign may be associated with the Event.
- Location is an optional geographical location (e.g., North Sea; Espoo, Finland).
- Comment may be used to add free text which should be closely event specific (no limit of characters).
- Keywords can be used to define specific groups of Events.
- URI links to a more detailed description of an Event, e.g. on an external web page or a document.
- Additional attributes give the possibility to add more sampling information.
- Sensor URI gives the link to sensor metadata information stored in Sensor information system https://sensor.awi.de/, see example: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.925325 .
- IGSN gives the link to International Geo Sample Number.
- Penetration maximum coring depth (in meter).
- Recovery gives the length of the core (in meter).
- Number of cores gives the number of cores sampled during a multicorer deployment.
- Deployment gives the Event label of a station during which a device (e.g. a mooring) was deployed.
- Recovery is also used for the Event label of a station during which a device (e.g. a mooring) was recovered.
- Lake water depth gives the total water depth at sampling position in lakes (in meter).
- River water depth gives the total water depth at sampling position in rivers (in meter).
- Mesh size gives the mesh size of net devices.
- Pump volume gives the volume pumped for obtaining a sample.
- Transect length gives the length of a sampling / measurement transect.
Event import template
Template with further instructions:
Template (xlsx file)