Best practice manuals and templates

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Best practice manuals and templates

About this page

On this page we present a collection of best practice manuals & submission templates for data submissions to PANGAEA. We provide a general field observation template and a series of guides for specific research areas in order to best capture and preserve the particular contextual information of these research areas for reuse, and to best assist our authors in compiling this helpful and necessary information. The guides also include the corresponding adapted templates to help our authors submit their data.

The templates support the comprehensive compilation of required meta-information related to sampling, methodology, and measured parameters/variables in a well-defined, structured manner. They help to be compliant with our guidelines and requirements, standardize metadata and data in submissions and thus also assist PANGAEA in the process of reviewing and ingesting data submissions, which in turn considerably contributes to a reduction in overall submission processing time.

General field observation studies from earth and environmental sciences

We recommend the following template for authors wishing to submit data for studies that do not fall within the more specific research areas listed below.

Generic spreadsheet template for field observation data (xlsx-file including detailed instructions)
Generic text-file template for field observation data (zipped tab separated text files. Please see instruction file first!)

Guidelines and templates for specific research domains

Biological data
Chemical data
Geological data

Geophysical data

  • Multibeam echosounder data (incl. SVP, MBES water column data) & Side-scan sonar data & bathymetry model data (Bathymetry)

Meteorological data

Eddy-Covariance-Measurement Systems

Oceanography data

Binary objects

This category of data publications includes georeferenced binary object, e.g. NetCDF-files, seismic data files (e.g. segy), photos/images or videos.